ffOur consultants help connect operations to strategy, transcend siloes, and focus on the opportunities to create the great operational value. Yitro can help you develop an end-to-end plan to achieve your full vision.
Top-performing companies often turn to strategy and operations consulting firms to assist them in driving greater strategic value, more efficient resource utilization, higher quality products and services, accelerated time to market and a strengthened bottom line.
We help simplify, refocus and strengthen your organization, so you can pursue growth and provide a better customer experience. Yitro's Strategic Cost Reduction practice focuses on structural, moving parts, and enterprise-wide changes that can produce sustainable cost savings and margin improvements.
Deliver sustainable actions that capture savings, improve margins, and strategically allocate resources to growth initiatives.
For tech consulting companies, service providers, and agencies, deciding to go down the path of IT software outsourcing is a strategy geared towards saving costs but not compromising quality. Yitro functions as a reliable, adaptable, and flexible partner with strong inroads into the local market.
In this model, the offshore provider builds and operates the remote centre for a pre-defined period of time. After that, you can take over the resulting team seamlessly.